Bolivarian Government and Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights begin training workshop in Caracas - MPPRE

Bolivarian Government and Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights begin training workshop in Caracas

As part of the execution of the technical cooperation work plan established between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Training Workshop on Specials Procedures of the Human Rights Council of the UN began in Caracas on Monday, in order to strengthen the institutional capacities of the Venezuelan State in this matter. The activity takes place in the Military Circle of Caracas. The installation was in charge of Hélène Devaux, deputy coordinator of the OHCHR Venezuela; Larry Devoe, executive secretary of the National Human Rights Council and Major General Edgar Rojas Borges, president of the Martial Court and Military Criminal Judicial Circuit. Representatives of the Public Ministry, Supreme Court of Justice, Office of the Ombudsman, Public Defense, Idena and the People’s Power Ministries for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, for the Penitentiary Service, for Women and Defense of Gender Equality, among other institutions participate in the workshop. Larry Devoe said that it is a very important workshop, because the process of linking the Venezuelan State with the special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council, although it focuses on the Foreign Ministry, also requires the support and participation of all institutions linked to each of its areas of competence. He also stressed that in December last year, Venezuela reiterated its invitation to two special procedures of the Council to visit this year 2020 to the country, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development and his similar on the negative consequences on the enjoyment of human rights unilateral coercive measures. On February 27, in the context of the 43rd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council, in Geneva, Switzerland; The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, in the annual oral update of her report on Assistance and Technical Cooperation with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, positively “valued the access and collaboration maintained with my Office since my last oral update to this Council”, while acknowledging that “progress has been made in the execution of the technical cooperation work plan, as well as in matters of protection”.
Alta comisionada Michelle Bachelet valora positivamente colaboración mantenida con el Gobierno Bolivariano

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