Minister of Health Carlos Alvarado present at the meeting on Universal Health Coverage at the UN - MPPRE

Minister of Health Carlos Alvarado present at the meeting on Universal Health Coverage at the UN

As representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, this Monday, the People’s Power Minister for Health, Carlos Alvarado, participated in the high-level meeting on Universal Health Coverage, “Moving together to build a healthier world”, from the Organization of the United Nations, in New York. A space that seeks to engage the world’s political leaders to achieve universal health coverage, promote healthy living and the well-being of the population of all ages. This high-level meeting also advocates for the creation of a strong legal regulatory environment that can respond to people’s needs, promote high quality health systems, maintain public funding and harmonize health investments. For the year 2023, governments plan to incorporate ambitious sustainable development goals (SDGs) into health, through national planning processes, policies and strategies that ensure that people in their countries have access to quality and trouble-free health services.
Ministro del Poder Popular para la Salud, Carlos Alvarado participa en la reunión de alto nivel sobre Cobertura Sanitaria Universal, en el marco del 74° Periodo de Sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU