Foreign Minister Arreaza: Chávez is light and hope for all free people of the world - MPPRE

Foreign Minister Arreaza: Chávez is light and hope for all free people of the world

Through his Twitter account, @jaarreaza, the People’s Power Minister for Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza, expressed his love, respect and loyalty for the commander and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, on the 6th anniversary of his sowing. “The strength and light of Commander Chávez are energy and beacon of hope for all free and dignified people of the world. No empire can prevent the inevitable. There are battle moments that announce definitive victory times. With Chávez: We will always win! # 6years of love and freedom”, wrote the Minister. Under the hashtag #6AñosDeAmorYLealtad, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, accompanied by photos of the Supreme Commander along with the Venezuelan people, said that with Chávez, the people will always win!